May 28, 2010

pony warriors

here's a secret. sometimes i wish i was a my little pony. i wish i lived in a world of giggles and sunshine and meeting friendly, pony-like variations of monsters.

for the longest time i've wanted there to be a MLP role playing video game. preferably for the DS, but any console would be good. where you could customize your own pony and go on any adventures you want to in pony world. XD

i'm thinking about maybe figuring out how to create my own MLP table-top RPG, but i'm really not sure how to go about doing it. and i don't know if anyone would play with me. T___T

EDIT: waaaah, so sad when i scrolled down and realized this was a joke! TT____TT  MLP RPG announced.  but i guess at least there's this site as a guideline.